Our History
For almost 40 years, since 1983, AURO has been a world-leading pioneer in developing genuinely eco-friendly paints, wood treatments and cleaning products.
Our paints, stains, oils, waxes, cleaning and care products show that by using natural raw materials it’s possible to produce beautiful, genuinely environmentally friendly products, which are healthy, high performance and easy to use.
Pioneers in gentle chemistry
AURO really is one of the great examples of German engineering! We have built our own research laboratories and assembled a world class team of gentle chemists. Every member of our team is committed to the mission of learning, collaborating and working in partnership to develop and sell products for your homes which are ethical, sustainable, beautiful and responsible.
Over the years we have developed some of the most ground-breaking and environmentally friendly processes and products in the world of paint, wood treatments and cleaning products.
We’re really proud of our achievements.
view anniversary brochure

2020: AURO’s paints are recommended as the “best buy” for most environmentally friendly and ethical paints by Ethical Consumer Magazine in the UK.
2017 : The first paint manufacturer to develop an automatic tinting system for wall paints that works with ecological pigment pastes. The COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium wall and ceiling paint is launched with an improved range of beautiful natural colours, enhanced and made more vibrant by this innovative system and use of natural pigments.
2015: We develop ultra-modern biogenic binding agents, which means our paints set new standards in technical performance – easier to apply, higher abrasion resistance and more durable.
2012: we significantly grow and invest in our staff – in research and development, shipping and logistics, as well as sales and marketing (domestic and abroad).
2009: we build a new office, including a new shop and showroom in Germany to future proof the business.
2008: we launch the high-grade lime assortment: Mineral paints for mould prevention. AURO quickly gains market share and expands our range of lime-based products.
2007: launch of AURO’s cleaning, care and maintenance range of products called “Brilliant ideas”. Well-engineered special cleaners for all household tasks.
2006: AURO Woodstain Aqua, no. 160-84 wins in “Test“, Germany’s most noted magazine for consumer protection.
2004: Introduction of a new label concept with a revised classification of products within the complete assortment.
2001: AURO introduces a complete new range of paints, stains, oils and waxes without solvents.
1999: Eco Award from environmental organisation “Friends of the Earth“.
1998: The company goes public. Start of the research and development project “solvent-free natural paints”, funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).
1994: B.A.U.M. Environmental Prize awarded to AURO.
1992: Dr. Hermann Fischer is appointed “Eco-Manager of the Year“ by WWF and the business journal „Capital“.
1990: Introduction of an assortment of washing and cleaning products under the brand name “AWALAN”.
1989: In the first-ever test of an AURO product by the prestigious “test” consumer magazine, AURO Wall paint no. 321 is rated “good”.
1983: Foundation of the AURO Pflanzenchemie GmbH (as from 1998: AURO AG).